Misha Collins Not Bisexual - Supernatural Star Apologizes
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Misha Collins Not Bisexual – Supernatural Star Apologizes For Confusing Statements

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BY April 26, 2022

Misha Collis from the successful series Supernatural apologized for his statements about being bisexual. The actor clarified that these statements are false and that he is heterosexual. His apologies came after this issue went viral on Twitter and his fans reacted to the news.

What started as a kind of joke generated controversy among Misha Collins’ fans. He attended Creation Entertainment’s Official Supernatural Convention in New Jersey this weekend. In this event, his statements caused a stir among fans of the show and the actor.

At this event, Collins said, “By a show of force, how many of you would consider yourself introverts? How many extroverts? And how many bisexuals?” to then say, “I am all three.” 

Misha Collins Clarifies He’s Not Bisexual

The statements given by Collins at the event created a lot of controversy on social media. Therefore, the actor had to clarify that he was not bisexual but heterosexual and apologized for the damage and discomfort he caused. He declared,

My clumsy intention was to wave off actually discussing my sexuality, but I badly fumbled that and understand that was seen as me coming out as bisexual. 

Collins also stated,

This was not my intention so I need to correct the record: I am not bisexual. I happen to be straight, but I am also a fierce ally and the last thing I want to do is falsely co-opt the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The actor also added,

I believe and fully support that we need to sanctify the human right to express our identities honestly and to be free to love whomever we choose openly.

Misha ended his remarks with,

I want to be a better ally and I feel sick to my stomach that I might have done anything to make things worse. I’m trying to learn, trying to do better and I will keep listening.

Fans Baffled by These Statements

After the news that Collins had come out as bisexual, fans from the LGBTQIA+ were impressed but felt confused to learn those statements were not true. Answers to his Twitter post where he apologized for his comments are swinging towards both sides. Some people ask Collins not to apologize or tell him it’s not a big deal. However, others claim that he clarifies why he used the word bisexual in the first place or say the actor actually is bisexual but is now trying to backtrack on what he said.

Overall, there seems to be a good response from the LGBTQIA+ community, who say the actor has been a supporter. They remember that Collins’ character in Supernatural also came out of the closet once.

Misha Collins in Supernatural Image via The CW

As you can see, Collins’ two statements have caused an uproar on the Twitter-verse and fans of the Supernatural series and the actor himself. When he called himself bisexual, it upset many and created controversy within the LGBTQIA+ community. However, the subsequent statement clarifying that Misha Collins is not bisexual also caused controversy. Now fans are unsure what the actor’s preferences are. 

Collins apologized for the inconvenience caused to both fans and the LGBTQIA+ community. He stressed that the experience would lead him to get better at expressing himself. Despite everything, he continues to be a trending topic on social media. 

Where do you stand regarding Misha Collins’s statements? We’ll read you in the comments. 

Featured Image via The CW

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