Science fiction often referred to as “sci-fi”, reflects a fiction literature content that is typically imaginative but based in science. Heavily relying of scientific facts, principles, and theories, science fiction stories gain support for its genre with the use of characters, themes, settings, and plotlines. While science fiction storylines are imaginary, still, they are different from fantasy plots as certain scenarios depicted on sci-fi storylines are plausible according to science.
Science fiction dated back as far as the Middle Ages and grew in popularity until the late 1900s. With the rise of technology over the past 200 years, sci-fi has gained significant traction in popularity among writers, screenwriters, comic publications, and audiences. As science and technology progress in space exploration, medical advances, industrial development, and power generation, so does the genre of sci-fi.
Enter the Fascinating World of Science Fiction TV Shows
Scientific, imaginative, visionary, and typically comic-strip-like, science fiction TV shows are based on the visualization of imaginative and fanciful settings; where film producers make use of advanced technology such as robots, spaceships, gadgets or any kind of special effects to enhance the overall production. Science fiction TV shows are commonly filled with heroes, planet destruction, impossible missions, futuristic technology, time travel, powerful villains, and more. These films are typically set either on Earth, in outer space, another time, or dimension.
Popular sci-fi films in the past portray a vast amount of “sinister and dangerous knowledge” to viewers, keeping them in suspense throughout the shows. Some examples of such films would be the classic “Frankenstein” which was produced in 1931, and the “The Island of Lost Souls (1933)”.
During the mid-90s, sci-fi films depicting inter-dimension travel and time travel became popular among viewers and production crews. For instance, “Star Trek” rose to popularity during the mid-1960s and has constantly grown over the years. From post-apocalyptic films to dramas, outer-space soap operas to menacing space villains, let us dive into the best sci-fi TV shows of all time!
Some of the Most Popular Science Fiction TV Shows
Below is a short list of some of the most well-known science fiction TV shows (in no particular order):
Comic Years – Your Top Source for News, Reviews, and Articles on Science Fiction TV Shows
Often celebrated as a genre that promotes peace, war, exploration, and tons of scientific theories among all life forms, science fiction TV shows today has gained a more worldwide audience than before. Whether you are looking to watch extraordinary giants or immerse yourself in the intergalactic wars, our sci-fi enthusiasts at Comic Years are here to help you determine which TV shows are the top rulers of the sci-fi genre.
Our passionate team analyzes and reviews tons of science fiction TV shows and films that are set to keep your heart racing with excitement and anticipation. When it comes to sci-fi TV shows that are filled with space wars, superpowers, strange beings, or time travel, we are as dedicated as you are to keep track of the latest sci-fi TV shows and their ratings.
If you have any questions about our content on science fiction TV shows, feel free to write to us today. Simply fill out our online contact form to get started!