The One Piece Animation: The Story Behind Eiichiro’s Anime
Moments ago, Netflix dropped an announcement trailer for the upcoming documentary titled “The One Piece”. The One Piece animation will show the story of creating this legendary manga and anime series. Here’s what we know so far.
The One Piece Animation
Netflix is teaming up with WIT Studio to create a special about One Piece. The WIT Studio is famous for working on popular anime such as Attack on Titan and Spy x Family. In addition, Toei Animation and Fuji Television will also collaborate with Netflix for this project.
This docu-movie will closely recreate the story of creating the original One Piece manga. The movie will start with the East Blue arc from the manga. While we don’t have a release date yet, Eiichiro Oda’s fans have a lot to look forward to in 2024.
Not only do we eagerly await for this amazing animation, but 2024 will bring back some of the most exciting anime sequels so far. For example, Kuroshitsuji, My Hero Academia, and Demon Slayer are coming back for another installment!
Eiichiro Oda’s Monsters Coming in 2024
Just hours ago, Netflix also confirmed that the release of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece prequel titled Monsters is coming in 2024. This prequel anime series will showcase the life of the Sword God. Shimotsuki Ryuma is one of the greatest swordsmen in the entire anime franchise.
Moreover, this is the first story Eiichiro Oda has ever worked on. Ryuma first appeared in One Piece in the Thriller Bark arc. Most of the fans know of him as Zoro’s ancestor! This makes the prequel even more exciting.
With over a thousand episodes so far, this anime established a title of one of the OG anime franchises. Along with Naruto, Bleach, and many others, One Piece is undoubtedly one of the greatest and most successful anime series so far.
Obsessed with anime, all-things magical, collecting rare editions and funko pops, Natalija is a young writer who strives to read every comic and manga out there!
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