Donald Trump Vs The Bomb Queen: May the Most Obscene Villain Win!
Imagine the darkest timeline possible. Like, if that failed businessman- turned-reality-show-host Donald Trump became the president. That would—wait, what was that? Sorry, my editor just informed me that we are living in that timeline. Okay, but what if you add a global pandemic, a collapsed economy, the National Guard attacking peaceful protesters, and…murder hornets! All of that is happening—at the same time? Really? Well, what if we lived in a world where Jimmie Robinson’s cult-classic comic book villain the Bomb Queen ran against Donald Trump for President at the end of 2024? Oh, she’s fictional, and that’s four years in the future? Still, we’re going to find out what that presidential race will look like.
Who Is The Bomb Queen, and Why is She Taking on Donald Trump?
(Image: The Bomb Queen III: The Good, the Bad, and the Lovely #2, Image Comics)
Image Comics published the first Bomb Queen series in 2006. The premise of the character is delightful. The Bomb Queen is a supervillain that defeated all the superheroes in “New Port City,” and becomes the ruler of the city. But it turns out that she is a good leader, and the people of New Port City love her. So when a superhero shows up ten years later to “save” everyone, nobody wants it. Since 2006, the Bomb Queen had several mini-series, but we haven’t seen her since 2012. But to fight President Donald Trump, Bomb Queen is coming back!
“I returned to Bomb Queen to get a few things off my chest,” Robinson said to the Hollywood Reporter. “From social politics to the state of the comic industry, nothing is safe from the Queen of obscene. Sometimes the best medicine is bitter and hard to swallow, and considering the current state of things, it seemed the perfect time for her to return to add to the chaos!”
So, will we see the Bomb Queen rally with Black Lives Matter protestors? March in Pride parades? Tear down monuments to confederate generals traitors to America? However she decides to fight Donald Trump; one thing is sure: Bomb Queen: Trump Card is going to be one hell of a comic.
(Featured Image: Bomb Queen #4, Image Comics)
Roman Colombo finished his MFA in 2010 and now teaches writing and graphic novel literature at various Philadelphia colleges. His first novel, Trading Saints for Sinners, was published in 2014. He's currently working on his next novel and hoping to find an agent soon.
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