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Xbox Class-Action Controller Drift Lawsuit to Settle with Microsoft

xbox class-action controller drift lawsuit

Image Credit: Microsoft

I get the most gaming mileage out of my Nintendo Switch and my Xbox. Both consoles are wonderful and offer me differing gaming experiences. One thing they have in common: controller troubles. I have a set of Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons and TWO Xbox controllers that drift. I’m not alone either, especially when it comes to the recent increase in people reporting Xbox controller issues. Enough people riled up Xbox controller drift led to a class-action lawsuit being opened against Microsoft. If you were hoping the issue led to some sort of conclusion for the issue, then I wouldn’t hold your breath. The lawfirm CSK&D agreed with Microsoft to settle out of court. Here’s what that means for some sort of solution to the issue.

Microsoft to Settle Out of Court with Xbox Class-Action Controller Drift Lawsuit

Image Credit: Microsoft

As first reported by GamesIndustryBiz, the class-action lawsuit against Xbox controller drift will not continue in court. Instead, the law firm CSK&D will settle with Microsoft privately. With a suit getting compelled to arbitration, it appears that Microsoft will not have to take responsibility for the drift issues. The class-action lawsuit claims that Microsoft knowingly sold controllers prone to drift. Microsoft will likely not have to take responsibility as part of the arbitration. I’m no lawyer, but that seems textbook for a big company. The law firm is still seeking financial compensation, however. 

DualSense controller drifting and Nintendo Switch Joy-Con drifting led to CSK&D opening similar lawsuits against Sony and Nintendo. The issue is prevalent in all console gaming ecosystems but no solution is on the way. For players, systems for sending a controller in for repair exist. The problem is that this leads to weeks, and possibly months, without the controller. If that’s the only one you have, then you’re not able to play games until it returns. Your other option: go buy a new controller. No first-party controller for the three major console manufacturers costs under $50.

Overall, the drift issue is one that Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft wanted to put off onto the players. Many responses from the companies insist player habits lead to drift. It’s no surprise these major corporations blame consumers for poor production qualities, but it also leads to no real change in manufacturing. Blame gamers if you must; just fix the damn things, please! Let’s hope the class action against one of these companies works enough to get better controllers in our hands.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

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