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1899 Ending Explained: Season 1 Recap

'1899' ending explained

It’s that perfect time of the year for binging TV series on Netflix. It’s cold outside, and you already decorated your house for Christmas. Now turn on Netflix and browse! In addition, if you’re a fan of Netflix’s show ‘Dark’, the creators just dropped season 1 of their new series titled ‘1899’. You will find the ‘1899’ ending explained in this article, as the series is as twisted as Dark! 

About ‘1899’

The latest release from Netflix ‘1899’ is created under the production of Dark Ways. Just like with ‘Dark’, the directors and co-creators Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese managed to create yet another mind-twisting series. Season 1 officially aired on November 17th, so you can binge it right away!

Dark Creators about ‘1899’

“We are going back to our mystery roots. All the passengers on the ship are traveling with secrets that they don’t want to get out. It’s built like a puzzle again. Knowing that we did Dark, everyone can be assured that this is going to be something weird and wild and crazy.”

‘1899’ Behind the scenes, photo by Netflix

The plot of the series follows an international cruise, more precisely a group of immigrants traveling to America. The time period in the show is the late 1800s and early 1900s, the exact period of America’s blooming as a continent. At the time, thousands of immigrants overflooded the American borders every day in search of a better life. 

However, their travel to the dreamland quickly turns into an unexpected nightmare as they stumble upon another migrant ship that is seemingly lost. The series cast includes familiar international faces such as Emily Beecham, Andreas Pietschmann, Miguel Bernardeau, and Aneurin Barnard. All of these actors speak in their native language in the series.

‘1899’ Ending Explained (With spoilers)

Spoiler alert: The following paragraphs will contain a certain amount of spoilers since we will have the ‘1899’ ending explained. That being said, let’s dive into the journey of Maura Franklin. She is the main character portrayed by Emily Beecham. 

At the beginning of the series, we see her on the ship named ‘Kerberos’. Maura is traveling from Britain to New York in order to find her brother Ciaran, who is missing. Moreover, Ciaran was on a similar ship Prometheus which went missing without any trace months ago. 

Fast forward, and Kerberos is in the middle of the ocean when they stumble upon Prometheus. Maura and the Kerberos’ captain Eyk rescue a small boy from the wrecked ship. The ship’s captain Eyk (portrayed by Andreas Pietschmann) decides to turn Kerberos and tow Prometheus back to Europe. This is when the other passengers start arguing heavily. 

‘1899’ series, photo by Netflix

Spoiler alert (ending)

We will now fast forward to the last couple of episodes of the Netflix original ‘1899’. The farther Kerberos travels, the more secrets emerge among the passengers. The ship’s rooms lead to different realities. Upon entering these rooms, the immigrant passengers are slowly starting to realize that they are in a simulation, or moreover, a time loop.

For instance, Maura has no recollection of ever having a husband or children. However, after entering and leaving a distinct room, she does find out that the boy she rescued from Prometheus is indeed her son Elliot. In a twist of events, Maura realizes everything about this loop. This includes the fact that she is behind the first loop as well. This was all her creation, and they don’t have long before everything resets again and they all lose their memory.

Just as Maura and her brother Daniel unveil this loop, she wakes up strapped inside a spaceship. She walks over to a desktop, which shows all the information about the spaceship. The spaceship’s name is Prometheus. Maura gets a message from Daniel, saying ‘Welcome to reality’. This is where the season ends. The season ends, and the new loop begins!

As the season wraps up, we can definitely conclude it’s something genius in between ‘Dark’ and ‘Lost’. Netflix, do not dare to cancel this one!

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