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True Detective Season 4 – Will It Be Announced?

Season three of True Detective is over now. The season featured an interesting story, but some familiar themes. Was it enough to warrant a True Detective season 4? Time will tell if the popular True Detective Series will go on.

One thing is for sure, the TV series on HBO is a popular title. The first season featured Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, two top tier actors. The story blended mystery, horror, and existential themes. Like other HBO dramas, the show helped to push the envelope. Many shows since have tried to copy its energy. Even then, nobody has come close to matching the first season.

Has True Detective Peaked?

Unfortunately, that includes the show itself. Seasons 2 and 3 were less popular by a good margin. Even worse, the story has not pushed the show forward. There are a number of reasons for this. Primarily, a strong first season deflates the possibility of a great second season. HBO series The Wire may be the exception. That being said, most shows that start strong find themselves weaker in seasons 2 and 3.

There are a lot of people still watching. Season 3 had a very popular main actor leading the show. Mahershala Ali is a two time Oscar winner. That’s a big draw for a lot of people. The second season had big actors too. That didn’t save the show. Ali was not enough to save the series either. It’s unclear whether season four is coming. It’s clear that a few things would need to change.

What Would True Detective Season 4 Look Like?

A big change would need to come in season four. A strong tie in with season one or the True Detective Universe would help. Especially if they could bring back a few characters. It may be hard to get the big names, but even in a cameo, it could make a big difference.

Additionally, a more captivating story in True Detective Season 4 like what we got in the Gotham season 5 finale is essential. There are good elements to every season. The first season, however, made a huge impact for being out of the box. Staying in form while also exploring a deeper theme might make a huge difference. For now, fans wait to see what is to come of this popular series.

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