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Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Video Game First Impression


With the release date set to 15th March, the Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is now officially out. After seeing the cinematic trailer, our team couldn’t resist trying it out. Here are our impressions, as well as the plot of the game. 

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Gameplay

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is essentially a sequel of the 2019 Wolcen. In addition to the familiar elements and the map, this sequel has an additional chapter titled ‘Endgame’. This chapter is the conclusion of the franchise, and the players who already have the previous game version will get this addition for free. 

That being said, here’s the basic gameplay of Wolcen for those of you who are contemplating downloading it. Initially, the game allows the players to log in as one of the three people who survived the slaughter of Castagath. These three fighters differ in powers, attack combos, and loot. However, all three are equally strong. The power of the player depends solely on good gear, weaponry, loot, and learning useful skills along the way. 

The three people shown at the beginning of the game have been previously rescued by Grand Inquisitor Heimlock. They are now part of the Purifiers’ army. Moreover, the player will need to undergo heavy training before entering the war. 

The Wolcen player will guard the Crimson Keep, the republican fortress. The main enemy is the entire brotherhood of Dawn, whose members infiltrated the aforementioned fortress. While dealing with these intruders one by one, players will ultimately fight Ahriman, the leader of the brotherhood of Dawn. This makes a great ending act to the Wolcen franchise. 

Is Lords of Mayhem Video Game Good?

While it’s really hard to compete with the more popular video games such as Apex Legends, and other games, Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem certainly brings something new to the table. Firstly, the graphics of this video game can easily match several amazing sequels of Final Fantasy. 

This RPG survival video game gives the player the opportunity to choose among 3 survivors of the horrible war that’s been raging on. On top of defending the Crimson Keep, the players already expressed their praises for the amazing graphics, very advanced attack skills and combos, as well as character development. 

Moreover, the dark fantasy elements make the game all the more better! With each character owning special and unique powers. Finally, while it’s sad to see this game come to an end, see the trailer and you’ll definitely download it later.

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