A team of superheroes conceived by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, The Avengers feature in a series of comics published by Marvel. A revised version of a team called “All-Winners Squad” – published in by Marvel’s predecessor Timely Comics – The Avengers are labelled as “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes”. Debuting in 1963, The Avengers has proven to withstand the test of time, with the Iron Man, Thor and Captain America all household names today, and the battle cry of “Avengers assemble!” as recognizable as ever.
About The Avengers
The Avengers was created following the success of Justice League, and similarly, each of its superheroes had an existing series of their own. United in their shared mission to protect global interests, The Avengers were first assembled when Loki invaded Earth. The comics are known for its changing roster, with different characters being introduced in subsequent issues.
Popular Avengers Comics
Below is a short list of some of the popular comics (in no particular order):
Notable Characters of The Avengers Comics
The character line up of suicide squad has changed multiple times over the years since its inception in 1959. Below is the list of the most notable characters in the Suicide Squad:
Learn More About The Avengers and Other Superheroes at Comic Years Today!
Whether you are a die-hard Captain America fan or love all the Avengers together, we have a wide range of content to suit you at Comic Years. With reviews and opinion pieces giving you new insights into the world of The Avengers, be prepared to learn something new about your favorite superhero!
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