MGS3 Remake Reveal Trailer Finally Released!
After years of speculation, we got an answer. GameSpot just released the MGS3 Remake reveal trailer. The fan-favorite game is finally coming to new generations. And, this seems not to be just another remaster.
It’s come ahead of its predecessors. But, it makes sense. After all, Snake Eater is easily most people’s favorite entry. And, there’s a good reason for it. The game introduced a plethora of new mechanics with a compelling story.
Nostalgia marks this year. We can add this remake to a new Persona game. There’s even a new Bioshock game under development. Needless to say, this remake is a great replacement for the MGS movie, I’m still bummed about that one.
Let’s dive into it, then.
What we get to see in the MGS3 Remake reveal trailer
Ah yes, one of the many meals I had in the original game. (Image credit: GameSpot)
The trailer is fairly straightforward. If you didn’t play the original, it might not even make a lot of sense. In summary, it’s a long take through a jungle, with different animals. Big Boss doesn’t even show up until the last few seconds.
But, it can get you incredibly hyped up if you’re a fan. I know that because it was my case.
MGS3: Snake Eater was a revolutionary game. All previous games took place in complex facilities. Instead, the third entry took us to the deep jungle. Most of the game had us hunting our food to replenish stamina and more.
The trailer itself is straightforward. We see a bunch of ants moving toward a dead frog. Then, a bird takes it and starts eating it in a lake. An anaconda eats it before being attacked by a crocodile. Lastly, behind all this, we see Naked Snake, AKA Big Boss, hidden in the shadows.
The MGS3 reveal trailer released after years of rumors
I would’ve screamed here if I wasn’t dead inside. (Image credit: GameSpot)
The MGS3 remake reveal trailer came amidst rampant fan speculation. We’ve heard rumors about a remake for years now. However, they’ve never been confirmed. Moreover, fake leaks and the like only clouded the chances.
Luckily, this trailer finally clears things up. Fans had been pessimistic for a while now. To be honest, I thought it just wouldn’t happen. After Kojima left Konami and MGS: Survivor, I gave up on my hopes.
Made this in light of the rumors
byu/Good_Wonder_1774 inmetalgearsolid
Fans even made memes mocking the long-lasting rumors. But, I’m happy to see that the negativity was in vain. Now, I’ll just wait until the game releases to play it.
What can we expect from the MGS3 remake?
Oh my God, oh my God, OH MY GOD! (Image credit: GameSpot)
Lastly, let’s talk about the name, specifically the “remake” part of it. That’s because the trailer shows something that caught my eye. It might seem like nothing to most watchers. But, you can guess what I mean from the picture above.
Yes, I’m talking about the anaconda. The original game didn’t have one. You could hunt frogs, birds, and even crocodiles. But, there were no anacondas. Sure, adding one animal isn’t a big deal. Yet, I’m talking about the implications.
That’s why the “remake” part of the name is so big to me. This could confirm that the game will come with more content. If they coded a new animal (with its own AI), they can add anything. I’m talking about weapons, environments, camouflage, and more.
Yes, it might be a far reach. That said, I’m an MGS3 geek. Bear with me.
Image Credit: GameSpot.
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