Netflix Policy: Still No Decision On Shared Accounts
The streaming company received its quarterly earnings reports in January and it seems that it is not very happy about the results. Since shortly after this information was revealed, Netflix decided to take a new password-sharing policy. The company posted information on its support page about this new modality, although it clarified that it is only operative in some Latin American countries.
Regarding the new policies, it was recently leaked that the company had planned some measures to avoid sharing accounts. However, it does not have decided on what to implement. Currently, the markets of the United States, European countries, and other regions are waiting for its policy to be implemented.
What Will the New Netflix Policy Look Like?
Image via Netflix
In a recent report published by the streaming giant in The Streamable, Netflix policy will change for account sharing in different markets. It is already tested in South American countries such as Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru.
In these countries, users would pay an extra fee if an additional account was created outside the home. The device would have to connect to the home network at least once in 31 days. Otherwise, the new Netflix policy would block this device and the account. It would also allow users to configure the “Home” network.
This mode is not activated in the United States, a country that still needs to allow the creation of new users. In addition, Netflix shows no signs of deciding soon on this policy, which generates some concern among users. This is because every time this company takes these measures, it puts more pressure on its subscribers.
In fact this made them lose many subscribers at one time and go to other streaming platforms such as Disney+ and Paramount. The owners and management may be thinking about increasing profits without losing so many users.
What are the Implications for Users of the Current Policies?
Image Credit: Netflix.
One point to consider with the measures is how the new Netflix policy would affect users. First, it would be an additional expense that users in different parts of the world would have to make. Considering the difficult economic situation, this could imply a serious problem.
Another point would be those who work outside and spend considerable time away from home. The 31-day measure could block their account simply because of work obligations. In addition, one must know how to set up such an account, which could be a problem for many.
For now, Netflix has not decided what to do with its policy, which creates anxiety in the population. Many ask that the measure be more flexible, especially in U.S. markets. However, this is unlikely since this company has shown on several occasions that it can take drastic measures to raise profits wherever it wants.
Featured Image Via Netflix
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