PS5 Does Not Support 1440p Native Resolution, Sony Confirms
There’s a lot of talk right now about the next-gen gaming experience. For many of us, we’re a bit overwhelmed by the games we’ve seen so far. If you want to get the next-gen experience, then the specifications say the Xbox Series X is the way to go. Unfortunately, developers don’t know the tech well enough yet to make games that fulfil the console’s potential. In a few years, sure, we’ll feel like we’re playing “the future of gaming.” For now, however, things are a bit in a standstill. Via reporting from journalists with the PS5 ahead of its release, some troubling news is concerning gamers. Sony confirmed that the PS5 does not support 1440p native resolution. Here’s what that means and why it’s important for gamers.
Does the Lack of 1440p Native Resolution on PS5 Matter?
Image Credit: Sony
Resolution is essentially the quality of the image you’re receiving on your screen. It’s a huge selling point of the Xbox Series X (other than the price), which many agree is the strongest next-gen console.HD a few years ago used to mean 1080p. Now, 4K is the new talk of the town. In between the two is 1440p, a more high-definition resolution that does not require 4K screen capabilities. When a screen supports a specific resolution, then that is considered native support. Essentially, no TV supports 1440p. Many PC monitors do, but most TVs either support 1080p or 4K. If a TV supports 4K, then 1440p is going to get automatically upgraded to 4K.
Does this upgrade mean the screen loses a ton of clarity? Not necessarily. However, whenever you surpass native support from a console, things can blur and become less defined. The news confirmed by Sony that 1440p is not natively supported can mean trouble depending on how you play games. If you have a gaming monitor that supports 1440p, then it doesn’t matter to the PlayStation 5. Essentially, the console will output 4K resolution automatically, and it’s up to the monitor to adjust its output.
Why Did Sony Go in This Direction?
From Sony’s perspective, most TVs are either 1080p or 4K capable. For those with gaming monitors, the lack of 1440p native support is frustrating. That said, many console gamers play on television, or at least that’s the assumption from Sony. Could some find this annoying? Sure, even I’m a little perplexed about why the console wouldn’t offer this. In some cases, however, the people most upset about this are going to be hardcore gamers. The phrase might sound cringy, but hardcore gamers are essentially those who invest the most into this hobby. They’re the ones who helped make the PS4 the titan it is today. Leaving them out is confusing and misguided.
The titles coming in the next-gen gaming world will be mind-blowing. Even with an upscale to 4K, things are going to look better than ever. That said, this tiny detail could lead some to a less-than-pristine experience. For those who really value their gaming and time spent with these titles, it’s frustrating to not see that support offered.
Does the lack of 1440p native resolution support effect your gaming decisions in the next-gen? If so, then let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading Comic Years for all things gaming, comics, and pop culture.
Featured Image Credit: Sony
Taylor is the Gaming Editor of Comic Years and a lifelong fan of video games. He holds two degrees in Political Communication and wrote a Master's Thesis on resistance movements, race, and the exploitation of college athletes. His wife and two Toy Australian Sheppards keep him sane.
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