New Apex Legend Ballistic Skills and Backstory Revealed
Season 17 of Apex Legends is officially on its way to us, and the new Apex Legend Ballistic is arriving along with this season. With the latest hero announcement video, EA and Respawn finally revealed this character’s powers. Read on to find out more about Ballistic.
Who is Ballistic? The Story of a Self-Destructive Orphan
Born in Gaea, the new Apex Legend Ballistic lost both of his parents at a very young age. As a small boy, he inherits a large fortune from his parents. Moreover, now that he is all alone, the self-destructive boy grows up into a raging, wild shooter.
When he decides to join the Thunderdome Games, August Montgomery Brinkman gives himself the bombastic nickname ‘Ballistic’ and soon after that, he becomes a worldwide sensation! Moreover, this 63-year-old is now joining the Apex Games as well.
If you ever saw any character introduction for the new Apex Legend, you know that the Respawn Team pays attention and designs the characters after their voice actors. Therefore, many fans were wondering what the new Apex Legend Ballistic is going to look like. Well, look no further! Because, Ballistic resembles the one and only Kuben Blisk, the founder of Apex.
New Apex Legend Ballistic & His Powers
For the past couple of years, EA and Respawn Entertainment worked together to bring us the most exciting heroes ever. Therefore, there was a new Apex Legend in almost every season of this battle royale game.
Well, season 17 is going to introduce the new Apex Legend Ballistic. This offensive legend has never-before-seen offensive skills that are on another level. Before we describe his powers, you are probably curious to know when you can unlock this character. The new hero is coming on May 9th, 2023!
Now, let’s head on to his abilities. Firstly, Ballistic has three powers in total, just like all the other Legends. The first power, which is his passive, is Sling. Sling will allow the new Apex Legend Ballistic to carry an additional weapon. That’s right, he will carry three weapons in total!
The next skill is his tactical, which is Whistler. This skill shoots a guided projectile toward the enemy. Moreover, this projectile will cause the enemy’s weapon to overheat and therefore deal significant damage.
Lastly, the new Apex Legend Ballistic will control his Ultimate skill, which is Tempest. When Ballistic activates his Ultimate, all of the teammates that are near him will get a buff. Moreover, this buff shortens the reload time and enables infinite ammo for a period of time. Check out the full character trailer down below.
Obsessed with anime, all-things magical, collecting rare editions and funko pops, Natalija is a young writer who strives to read every comic and manga out there!
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