Ghosts 'N Goblins Resurrection Review - Comic Years
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Ghosts ‘N Goblins Resurrection Review

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BY March 5, 2021

When it comes to retro-influenced games, developers can take a few different routes. Some games feel like the modernization of an old series. Some mimic the art but feel like a new, inventive experience. Ghosts ‘N Goblins Ressurection tries to keep the same gameplay intact on modern consoles. The art style, more modern than retro, still feels like it could fit on a console from decades ago. It’s a creative approach to recreating a cult classic for 2021. The thing that some people might wonder: is the new game just as frustrating as the original? Yes, and because of its modern leanings, even more so in some ways. Here’s our review for Ghosts ‘N Goblins Resurrection. 

Ghosts, Goblins, and Gluttons for a Challenge

ghosts 'n goblins resurrection review Image Credit: Capcom

Ghosts ‘N Goblins Resurrection is a new adventure with familiar tropes. Firstly, the game embodies all of the anger the original title caused fans in 1985. Secondly, the game is still a simplistic platformer at heart. Simplistic doesn’t mean bad; in short, it’s a straightforward platforming experience. Few frills are available to alleviate the game’s adoration for difficulty. With a decent array of difficulty levels, the game offers you plenty of room to play at a level that works for you. It’s appreciated, because holy hell, this game takes no prisoners.

The Capcom team suggests that the game is designed for the Knight and Legend difficulties. I played on Knight, but there were plenty of times this even felt too difficult. The game’s seemingly random-generation of enemies is mind-boggling. It’s not quite strategic; there doesn’t always seem to be a rhyme or reason to what’s occurring on-screen. Fans of games like Cuphead and other games that don’t shy away from really tough challenges will feel at home. The difference here is the controls for GNGR are far less precise.

The game plays like a SNES game in the best ways and worst ways. It feels transported from the 80s, but that includes its inability to give you total control over your character. The jump mechanic alone is enough to make you feel like the game isn’t meant to be beaten. I finished the game, so I can tell you that’s not the case. But for reference, I played this game quite a bit each day and didn’t wrap it up until almost two weeks later. Unlike something like Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos, this is a release that pushes you to the brink with a smile on its face.

Ghosts ‘N Goblins Resurrection Review Score

ghosts 'n goblins resurrection review Image Credit: Capcom

I review games on a scale of 1-10; Ghosts ‘N Goblins Ressurection is a 6 for me. At the lower difficulties, this game’s relatively simplistic design is on full display. That’s necessary, however, for a game that favors its higher difficulties in terms of how the game is meant to be played. I’m happy to admit I rarely ever finish games on the highest difficulty. It’s just not my thing. I did make it to the end of GNGR on Knight but it was a rough time. I’m not someone who considers themselves “good” at games like these. At the end of the day, if the game appeals to you, then play at your comfort level.

The real letdown to me with this one is the art style. It’s not quite retro enough to call back to our favorite 16-bit platformers. The overall experience is just not what I love about this frustration-inducing genre we see pop up every now and then. Cuphead carved out a unique art style of its own influenced by the past. GNGR just doesn’t quite nail the same thing. That said, I enjoyed the challenge. If you’re a fan of retro platformers, then this is a great game for you. It plays like a retro game and offers you a challenge fit to keep you occupied for hours upon hours. And that’s just the first zone!

Ghosts ‘N Goblins Ressurection is available on the Nintendo eShop for Switch. If you have questions about the game or a quick review of your own, then drop it in the comments below!

A review copy of the game was provided by Capcom for the purposes of this review.

Featured Image Credit: Capcom


Taylor is the Gaming Editor of Comic Years and a lifelong fan of video games. He holds two degrees in Political Communication and wrote a Master's Thesis on resistance movements, race, and the exploitation of college athletes. His wife and two Toy Australian Sheppards keep him sane.


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