SDCC: IDW Goes From the Crypts to the Cosmos
IDW is one of the big publishers, but not one of the BIG publishers (Image, DC, Marvel). They have a steadily increasing fanbase and found a niche in creating comics for other properties, from tv, video games, and film. And from their cascade of announcements at SDCC, IDW plans on becoming one of the BIG guys—quickly.
America’s First Family
No, not the Trumps, the Bushes, or the Obamas. The family many of us grew up with, regardless of generation. From their old TV show, to the classic movies, and to today, with a whole new generation about to see them in their first animated movie. Of course, I’m talking about The Addams Family. In October, the Charlize Theron-led animated feature hits theaters, but at SDCC, IDW announced a one-shot comic from Zoe Quinn (Goddess Mode) and Phil Murphey (Teen Titans Go). One-shots are often test-runs, so if this sells well, we’ll hopefully see an ongoing comic series in the future. The one-shot comes out in October, along with the movie.
Graceful Memories

On the video game adaptation side, we get the popular MidBoss game Read Only Memories, from Sina Grace (Marvel’s Iceman…for a time), and Stephano Simeone (G.I. Joe). During their SDCC panel, IDW revealed the cover for the first issue of the cyberpunk future. If you are familiar with the games, the events of the comic take place between 2064 and Neurodiver.
IDW Is Bringing Back Rom!
One surprising announcement is that IDW is bringing back Rom. The last series ran for 15 issues before it it was canceled, but they’re giving the franchise another go with Rom: Dire Wraiths. Not much has been revealed yet, but it does involve the Soviets crashing an unmanned craft on the moon the same year the US landed on the moon. No creative team has been announced yet, but IDW had a few more SDCC panels this weekend.
Star Trek Voyages to Comics

While there have been plenty of Star Trek comics, Star Trek: Voyager has yet to get the sequential art treatment. Well, IDW is out to change that, announcing at SDCC a Star Trek one-shot called Star Trek: Voyager: Mirrors and Smoke by Paul Allor and J.K. Woodward. Mirrors and Smoke will be just the first in a series of one-shots that will take place in eras from the original series to Deep Space Nine. The Mirror Universe adventures will certainly please the Star Trek fans who fell in love with that weird alternate reality since they first saw Spock’s goatee.
Transformers: Way More than Meets the Eye

The biggest IDW announcements at SDCC (so far) was for their Transformers comics. Some top talent will write for Transformers: Galaxies, including Sam Maggs (#7-9), Keith Leth and Cohen Edenfield (#5-6), and Brandon Easton (#10-12). But the really big Transformers news is that in addition to her Galaxies story, Maggs will write a spinoff series starting in September!
The Last Adventures of Skywalker?

Sure, we all love Star Trek and Transformers, but the IDW news people will really freak out about? A new Star Wars Adventures storyline from John Barber and Derek Charm that bridges the gap between The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker. The story stars fan-favorite Chewbacca, as “the First Order launches an attack on the planet Kashyyyk,” forcing “Chewbacca takes up arms to defend his people!” And because the New Republican was destroyed, he’s on his own. Check out our spotlight article for more info!
IDW isn’t quite done making announcements, but so far, they’ve already have quite a line-up for fans to get excited over, whether you’re a Star Tek, Transformers, or Star Wars fan, IDW is making good on their SDCC promise to keep growing over the next 20 years.
Roman Colombo finished his MFA in 2010 and now teaches writing and graphic novel literature at various Philadelphia colleges. His first novel, Trading Saints for Sinners, was published in 2014. He's currently working on his next novel and hoping to find an agent soon.
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