Pop Culture
Culture is a reflection of your community, and popular culture tells the story of many communities in real time. We talk about the best (and sometimes the worst) it has to offer, while providing keen insight and analysis about the things that you care most about.
In the old days, the bygone days before the internet connected everything, it could be hard to get things done. If you wanted to, say, encourage a company to do something, you had to write […]
Now, we’re pretty sure that you, like many others, are starting to get frustrated with all of the events being canceled right now. It’s unfortunate. It’s been a big time for concerts, festivals, and other […]
The past few days have seen some major changes around the world as countries respond to coronavirus concerns. Major sporting events are being canceled. Schools are shutting down. Major movie premieres are being canceled and […]
Earlier this week our site reported on some of the various events and premieres that were being canceled due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) fears. The most notable release date delay is the upcoming James Bond film No […]
Warner Bros. Pictures released their final trailer for SCOOB! this week, the new animated film starring the gang from Scooby Doo. Interestingly enough, the 3D animated film, which releases May 15, comes over 50 years […]
Somehow, Ghostbusters was always just one of those old classic movies that I’d never gotten around to seeing. I’d heard the theme song, and watched the film be parodied in a variety of cultural pieces. I just […]
Lucasfilm loves to keep things under wraps, and we can only imagine what the future holds for the Star Wars franchise. The release of Disney+ and success with The Mandalorian (read our review of the season finale […]
I didn’t necessarily expect to be writing about this today, but here we are. In some comments recently, Epic Games Founder Tim Sweeney made some remarks about the state of gaming. More particularly, gaming as […]
There is no official price point for any of the major consoles releasing this year. Why? Well, in one sense, nobody wants to make the first move. If the gaming world was the wild west, […]